Lotus Video: Richard Parramint Talks Lotus, Colin Chapman & Life

Lotus Richard Parramint

Richard Parramint kindly joined us at our October 13, 2015, meeting to share a few pizzas, talk about cars, life and everything, and share his tales from his time at Lotus with Colin Chapman.

He gave a wonderful talk, which you can enjoy right here thanks to the wonders of the internet!

Issue 4 of the Club Lotus News Classifieds Available to Members

The October 2015 edition of Club Lotus News’ Classifieds has been sent out, and is available for CLA members to download on the members’ page.

Head to the ‘Members’ page here to download a copy.

We provide these classifieds as a membership benefit of Club Lotus Australia. It will as such require you to be logged in to your members account.

If you’re not a member yet, why not? Hit this link to find out more about the club and why you should become one!

Report: Lotus 2015 from a WA Perspective

Lotus 2015 WA

Almost everyone I’ve spoken to since this year’s Lotus 2015 has come home buzzing and ready to head straight back out for the next one. So, to tide you over until 2017, let’s catch up with our friends in Western Australia to hear about their Lotus 2015 weekend, thanks to Eddie Lankhorst.

Read More

An Invitation to Celebrate CARnivale in 2016

As we celebrate Spring with increasingly warm and sunshine-filled evenings it’s time to look forward to Summer and all of the wonderful automotive adventures awaiting us. Very high up the list is Australia Day, and CARnivale.

Registration for the event, celebrating its 30th anniversary in 2016, is now open – so it’s time to get organised!

CARnivale will be held on Australia Day, Tuesday the 26th of January, 2016. Next year sees it move to Parramatta Park to better cater for its growth and changes in Sydney CBD traffic arrangements.

The event attracts some six hundred vehicles of all shapes, sizes and vintages, and is a wonderful summer celebration of automotive culture and history.

Joining in the celebrations this year are a hot air balloon aerial show, the Parramatta BBQ Festival, family concert and kids’ rides, the Hottest 100 Party and more.

It’s looking to be a brilliant celebration, and we can’t wait to get involved for another year!

Registration and details for CARnivale are available online at this link, as well as through the registration form linked below. To display your veteran, vintage or classic vehicle, it must be over thirty years of age and built before the 31st of Devember, 1985 or be an identical model run-on. For more information, grab the official entry letter, which we’ll also link below!

2016 CARnivale Invite Letter [PDF]

2016 CARnivale Registration Form [PDF]

An Invitation to Attend the Royal Automobile Club of Australia’s Information Evening with RMS

The Royal Automobile Club of Australia is holding an information evening on Wednesday the 4th of November for motoring enthusiasts to learn more about their recently launched conditional registration scheme trial.

It’s an opportunity to meet with senior members of New South Wales Roads and Maritime Services for information and discussion. Peter Wells, RMS Director of Compliance and Enforcement and Graeme Faulkner, RMS General Manager Customer and Support Services will be highlighting the operation and features of the new scheme, which aims to offer greater flexibility in the use of conditionally registered cars.

The evening will kick off from 6PM on Wednesday the 4th of November with Members’ Bar meals and drinks. The guest speakers will take the stage at 8PM.

It will be held at the Royal Automobile Club of Australia, at 89 Macquarie Street Sydney. There is limited parking available at the Club, for which fees apply. Please ring RACA on 8273 2300 in advance to make a booking.

A dress code of collared shirt, slacks and shoes applies.

Please see the following flyer for the full information, including details to RSVP. You can also head to the RACA website here for more information.

RACA Conditional Registration Scheme Information Night RSVP and Flyer [PDF]

Lotus and the Sporting Car Club at the Adelaide Motorsport Festival

Senna Lotus F1

The Adelaide Motorsport Festival was held over the weekend of the 17th & 18th of October and featured a particularly special tribute to Formula 1’s time on Adelaide’s classic street circuit.

The Sporting Car Club organised for two of Ayrton Senna’s Lotus F1 cars to join in the fun, making it even more wonderful for us, and there was a strong Lotus presence outside of the Formula 1 festivities. This is the story of their weekend, thanks to Andrew Stevens.

By Andrew Stevens

Having brought two ex Senna Lotus F1 cars, including the iconic Lotus Renault 97T, to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the 1st Adelaide F1 grand prix, the Sporting Car Club could have been forgiven for expecting the car to do more than half a lap before breaking. Having been unable to get to the 1985 event, I was looking forward to seeing the 97T on the Adelaide street circuit. Alas it was not to be.

While the 97T and Honda engined 99T were relegated to static displays, the rest of the “Tipo F1” contingent put on a show, along with the historic tourers, sports cars and variety of modern categories.

With the Adelaide skyline in the background, the Victoria park street circuit was picture perfect under blue skies for the weekend of motorsport. In addition to the 97T and race-winning Honda-engined 99T, Lotus was represented by Mike Bennett in his Lotus 12, Ian Peters in his championship winning Reynard 91D Formula Holden, and Michael Dennerley in his Exige Roadster, who was showing the Ferrari’s the way, despite a dodgy front shock absorber.

After a hurried preparation, Ian managed to score 3rd fastest time of the weekend, beating most of the F1 cars home. Can’t wait until next year, when we’ll have a CLA display in the static display area.

CLA NSW November Early Morning Run

Join us this 8th of November, 2015, for an early morning run through the Royal National Park to Kiama and the Kiama Car Spectacular. Full details below!

Date8th November, 2015

Meeting spot:  Loftus Oval Carpark (entry off Princes Hwy right before entry to Royal National Park southbound)

Meeting time: 7am sharp departure

Drive detail: We will be leaving  Loftus Oval for Kiama via a leisurely drive down the Royal National Park. Aiming to reach Parkview Café in Kiama for quick breakfast at 8.30am and then a short drive to the Kiama Car Spectacular where we have the opportunity to enter our cars into the car show. Entry for the car display is free.

Lunch will also be organised within walking distance from the car show if interested, but you will need to let me know asap as we will need to reserve our seating at the restaurant.

Contact: Please contact me (James Chan) through [email protected] if you would like to attend, or just need more information.

Kiama Car Spectacular

Club Lotus New Zealand Edition 58 Available for Download

Club Lotus NZ Edition

Our friends from Club Lotus New Zealand have put out the latest release of their newsletter, Edition 58, and we’re pleased to share it with you here!

This edition’s features include:

  • Lotus News
  • 1965 The Dream Year
  • Jim Palmer Interview
  • Indy 2015
  • Lotus 69 Historic Review

And a whole lot more!

Download your copy from the following link, and enjoy!

Club Lotus New Zealand Edition 58 [PDF]

Please also make sure to head to their official website here, their Facebook page here, and their YouTube channel here to keep in touch with everything they’re up to.

An Evening with Richard Parramint Tuesday 13th October

Richard has recently been at Lotus 2015, where he regaled us with tales of his time with Lotus. He will be joining us for our General Meeting this Tuesday the 13th of October, so why not come along and say ‘Hi!’

This is your chance to meet and chat with Richard, particularly if you missed Lotus 2015!

The meeting will be held at Simply Sports Cars, 19 Hotham Parade, Artarmon from 6:30PM onwards. Drinks and pizza will be provided as usual!