The Preserve September 2016 Available for Download

The Preserve September 2016

‘The Preserve’ is the newsletter of the Council of Motor Clubs. It’s made available to members of CMC-affiliated clubs, and that means you!

The September 2016 edition of the newsletter has been sent out to members, and is now available for download on our members’ page here.

This edition includes details on Carnivale and the National Motoring Heritage Day, important news on the Historic Conditional Registration Scheme and incoming Classic Vehicle Scheme, recaps of the RAC Pedr Davis Tribute Dinner and the Shannons Sydney Classic and much, much more.

Club Lotus Australia members can head to the members page here to download your copy. If you’re not a member of the club head here, and take a browse around the website to see why you should be!

Come Along to the 2016 Club Lotus Australia AGM

Club Lotus Australia AGM

The 2016 Club Lotus Australia Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday the 21st of September at Shannons. Come along and have your say in the direction of the Club.

Shannons have kindly offered to host us again, and we’ll be gathering from 7PM at Unit B, 12 Frederick Street, St Leonards. Enter and park by the Reserve Road entrance and walk through the showroom. As always we will provide something to eat and drink to sustain you through the evening.

Kris Bennett will be standing down as Treasurer after eight years and handing the pen to Greg Cliffe. The nomination form and balance sheet for the year are available in the September edition of Chunky’s Chatter, which you can grab from the Members’ page here.

This is a great opportunity to share feedback and ideas and to shape how we work to improve Club Lotus Australia in the coming months and years. It’s also an enjoyable social evening and a good chance to thank Kris for her immense contribution, welcome Greg and catch up.

We look forward to seeing you on the 21st.

We’re Invited to the HSRCA’s 2016 Tasman Trophy

2016 Tasman Trophy Invite

After the excellent Club Lotus Australia showing at the 2016 Sydney Retro Racefest, the Historic Sports and Racing Car Association of New South Wales has invited us back to run in the 2016 Tasman Trophy this November 19th & 20th.

The event will feature an All-Lotus Regularity grid and give us a chance to get stuck in to a two-day historic racing event that will draw a big field of historic sports and racing cars from both Australia and abroad.

Our all-Lotus grids will run four times throughout the weekend and provide a great opportunity to get out in the Lotus amongst friends. The Regularity format takes the pressure of competition off and is a safe and relaxed form of motorsport. It’s an excellent way to get involved in motorsport, or just give the car a run in a safe and controlled environment.

Looking at the broader event, all fifth category groups are invited to compete, from the pre-1930s, ’30s, ’40s and ’50s J, K & L cars through to Formula 5000 monsters and more. The Tasman Tour 2016, including the Formula Junior Diamond Jubilee World Tour, will be a feature throughout the weekend, as will our All Lotus Regularity and a Group S Enduro race that’s always fun to watch.

The event will run over the weekend of the 19th and 20th of November, and entries are available now through CAMS Motor Event Entry.

Click this link to enter through the CAMS Members Portal.

Log in with your CAMS ID, which should be your CAMS licence number, and the password you nominated for the CAMS Member Portal. If you have forgotten your password, or have not yet nominated one, click ‘Retrieve Your Password’.

For more information as it is made available, see the HSRCA’s website here.

Chunky’s Chatter September 2016 Now Available for Download

All British Day & Concours d'Elegance

Catch up on all the Club Lotus Australia news in the September 2016 edition of Chunky’s Chatter, which is now available to download from the members’ page.

Features in this month’s mag include:

  • Part 6 of Mike Moore’s Duratec Elise conversion
  • From the archives – the incredible story of Lotus and the 1959 Portugal GP
  • Get in quick to book for the CLA Christmas Party – details inside
  • Anne gives some alternate routes to return home from Eggs Benedict

And much more! Enjoy Chunky’s lighthearted and sometimes irreverent monthly look at the world of Lotus.

Head to the members’ page to download your copy. And if you’re not a member already, have a browse around the site and hit up our membership page here to find out why you should be!

Lotus Photos: 2016 Concours d’Elegance & All British Day at King’s School

All British Day & Concours d'Elegance

On Sunday the 28th of September we got together at King’s School to be a part of the massive annual All British Day, hold our Concours d’Elegance and enjoy a lovely day in the Spring sunshine.

The All British Day is held at King’s School in North Parramatta each year. It brings together New South Wales’ British car clubs and the hundreds of British motor vehicles, from the rare and quirky to the everyday drivers, that comprise them. With its generally spectacular turnout, it’s a lovely opportunity to wander around, check out some very cool machinery and chat with fellow fans of British automobiles.

This year’s event was no exception. After a mildly-concerning mid-week drenching the sun came out, dried out the venue and put on an absolutely spectacular day on Sunday. Many a relaxed Sunday picnic was enjoyed in the sunshine and we thoroughly enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere.

As we did the excellent Club Lotus Australia turnout. The cars were all beautifully prepared and looked magnificent in the sunshine. Thanks to all who got involved and put in the hard work preparing their cars!

Thanks as well to everyone involved in the organising of the event, particularly Elliott for his hard work, as well as our judges.

Enjoy the photos below, and we’ll see you for another sunny Springtime adventure soon!

Thanks to Ashton Roskill

Thanks to Seth Reinhardt

Ashton’s President’s Prattle: September 2016

President's Prattle

Welcome to Spring. And, frankly, thank goodness! I was getting a bit bored of the cold – the garage is hard to heat effectively.

But at least I have managed to get the Elan’s headlight vacuum system replaced over the winter (without first removing the rear bumper, as was suggested by one wag who shall remain nameless). This means that, with my newly minted and shiny license, I am now ready for the run on Sunday the 4th to Gosford Classic Car Museum.

I hope to see lots of you there, and I know we will have at least five Elans, so I am looking forward to that photograph at least. Full details are in the calendar.

On which subject, please make sure to try the new feature which allows you to add events to your personal calendar – handy to prevent manual input, and also prevents you missing all the important events. Click on the event to open up the detail, and at the bottom of the calendar entry are two buttons allowing you to add your calendar entry of choice (well, that’s if you use Outlook, Notes or one of the systems that supports Googlecal – sorry, they are the only ones available at the moment).

While we are talking events, please come along to the AGM on Wednesday the 21st to make sure we say a proper farewell to Kris Bennett, who has put in 8 years of hard labour as our Treasurer, and who has decided to hand on the pen to Greg Cliffe.

As well as being a Lotus nut and a lovely chap, Greg is CA qualified, which probably makes him over qualified on several counts to be our Treasurer, but I am very grateful for his hand going up to volunteer. So come along to welcome him too. And to join me in thanking the rest of your Committee for another year of keeping the ship pointing the right way.

Club Lotus Australia All British Day

In other news…

Those who came to the All British Day had a thoroughly lovely day. In spite of the threat during the week, the sun shone all day so most of us got a bit pink, and picnics were in abundance. Yours truly managed to drag the Eleven out of Geoff’s workshop to show you how close it now is to completion – the final push is on. And it needs new tyres, I’d say, as the tyres on it, while perfectly treaded, are at least 20 years old!

If you haven’t registered your interest in coming to the Christmas Party, can I ask you to start thinking that far out, just so I don’t have to do the last minute scramble to make sure everyone is catered for? Drop me a line to [email protected] with a list of attendees and confirmation you have transferred funds, and I will add you to the list. Full details are in CC.

I apologise again that I have not been around the traps as much as I would like (I blame work), although I did manage to make it to Bruce Mansell’s shed this month, which was, as always, a brilliant evening. Thank you to everyone who turned out in the cold, and particular thanks of course to Bruce and Nick for hosting us so kindly and generously – the glass of red was particularly welcome at the end of a long day Bruce, so my personal thanks too!

Mike has continued his sterling work keeping the motorsport fraternity entertained, and by the look of things, we might have ourselves another consecutive series win in the offing for the CSCA series. Thanks Mike, and thank you to everyone who supports this grassroots motorsport – if you haven’t tried it, trust me, it is a hoot, and very accessible.

On which topic, the next SSC Lotus Only Track Day has been announced for Saturday 29th October at Winton – be there if you don’t want to miss the best day on the track you can imagine (with pretty good company too). Go here to register.

I must admit to having dropped the ball on organising extra-curricular events, so if anyone has any great ideas for stuff we should do, please bring them along to the AGM and we can pool our ideas and agree how to progress. We will also be positioning an alternate approach to the monthly General Meeting model, so would appreciate your input to that discussion.

And finally, in case you could possibly forget, the Beyond Blue Eggs Benedict is on Sunday 25th at Ebony Hall in joyful memory of Maurice, and we will be running the Round the Buckets again, so anyone who thinks they are good enough to take the trophy off the wily Pete Walker should come along and have a punt!

I look forward to seeing you out and about, and in the meantime, as always, keep it safe, upright and on the blackstuff,

Pip pip,

Lotus Stories: Brian Caldersmith

Brian Caldersmith

Club Lotus Australia is full of interesting people doing interesting things with interesting cars.

We want to tell their stories, and through this develop and preserve a written history of the club, its members and their cars. So, whenever we have the opportunity, we enjoy a chat with one of our members to share their story with you right here on the Club website!

This month, we get to know one of the pillars of the Aussie club motorsport community, artist, historian and gentleman Brian Caldersmith.

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Work With Lotus: Simply Sports Cars Looking for a Sales Consultant and Vehicle Mechanic & Technician

Simply Sports Cars Mechanic

Our friends at Simply Sports Cars, official distributors for Lotus Cars in Australia, are looking for a Sales Consultant as well as a Vehicle Mechanic & Technician.

Simply Sports Cars have been going from strength to strength and have some very interesting projects on the go, making this an excellent opportunity for someone interested in working with the Lotus marque. Read on for the full details thanks to Paul D’Ambra at Simply Sports Cars.

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September 4th Club Run to the Gosford Classic Car Museum

Ashton’s planning a run to the Gosford Car Museum on Sunday the 4th of September. It should be a fun morning, so read on for the details.

We’re off to see the glorious Gosford Classic Car Museum!

Even if it does only have one Lotus (so far anyway!) my reckoning is that the new Gosford Classic Car Museum has to be worth a visit.

So we will be heading up there on Sunday 4th September, leaving from St Peters at 8am. If you would like to join us, meet in Barwon Park Road next to Sydney Park, and we will then head north up the Eastern Distributor, out to Lane Cove Road, up to Yanko Road and the Comenarra Way and thence up the Old Pac Hwy to Gosford.

If you would us like to pick you up on the way up, please feel free to sit beside the road or we’ll see you there at about 10am.

Here’s hoping for a sunny day 🙂

Please drop Ashton a line if you are expecting to come, particularly if you would like to meet at Barwon Park Road, so he knows to wait for you.

Lotus Photos: LOST Fraternity Run to Medowie Macadamia Farm

LOST Fraternity Medowie Macadamia Farm Run

Photos by Jack McLaughlin

The LOST Fraternity’s most recent run took them to the Medowie Macadamia Farm Restaurant Medowie. Enjoy these great photos thanks to Jack McLaughlin.

On Sunday the 14th the LOST team met at the McDonald’s in Mayfield and then convoyed up to the Medowie Macadamia Farm near Williamtown airport for a social Sunday breakfast. We’ve been enjoying absolutely magic weather for performance cars, open tops and road trippin’ recently, and this Sunday was no different. Looks like a great morning!

LOST Fraternity Medowie Macadamia Farm Run

LOST Fraternity Medowie Macadamia Farm Run

LOST Fraternity Medowie Macadamia Farm Run