CARnivale, and with it 2019, is coming up faster than should be possible, and on Australia Day, the 26th of January, 2019, will see us heading to Parramatta Park to bring in the new year with the iconic Sydney car show. Registration for the event is now open.
We plan to participate with a Club Lotus Australia display as usual. Registration this year will be handled individually, so of you would like to join us, register online at
With the massive CARnivale display and plenty to see and do such as a hot air display, barbecue festival and music, CARnivale is a relaxed way to kick off the new year’s motoring activities and catch up after the holiday break. More members in the display means more mates to spend the day with, so we’d love to see you there!
Read on for the official word from City of Parramatta Council and the Australia Day Council of New South Wales, and we’ll look forward to seeing you on Saturday the 26th of January, 2019!
Thanks to Australia Day CARnivale 2019
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