Lotus Photos: LOST Fraternity at the 2022 MGCC National Meeting

LOST Fraternity at the 2022 MG Nationals

Images thanks to Jack McLaughlin

The LOST Fraternity took an Easter Saturday run to check out the MG Car Club Newcastle’s MG National Meeting ‘MGs by the Lake’ concours d’elegance on Saturday the 16th of April, 2022. Jack McLauchlin has kindly reached out with some photos, which you can enjoy below.

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Lotus Photos: Sandy Bay Tasmania, April 2022

Images thanks to Robert Verhey

Our friends in Tasmania get together most months at Sandy Bay to kick tyres and chat about life, Lotus and everything. Robert Verhey made it to April 2022’s catch-up, held on Sunday the 3rd, and very kindly reached out with a few photos that you can enjoy below.

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Lotus Photos: LOST Fraternity End of Daylight Saving Breakfast

Lost Fraternity End of Daylight Savings Breakfast 2022

Images thanks to Jack McLaughlin

On Sunday the 3rd of April, 2022, the LOST Fraternity took a run to Murray’s Beach to mark the first day after we rolled back the clocks for winter. Jack McLaughlin kindly reached out with a few shots from the catch-up, which you can enjoy below.

Meeting in Belmont, they took a short run down the Pacific Highway to Murray’s Beach, where they caught up before heading into Murray’s Restaurant for a coffee.

Lost Fraternity End of Daylight Savings Breakfast 2022

The LOST Fraternity are based north of Sydney and go for social runs once or twice a month. If you’d like to get involved, send Seth an email and he’ll put you in touch.

Images thanks to Jack McLaughlin

Lost Fraternity End of Daylight Savings Breakfast 2022

Ashton’s President’s Prattle for April, 2022

CSCA 2022 R1 Ashton Roskill

Happy autumn all,

What with everything else going on (geopolitically and weather-wise) I have rather lost track of time – and given that we didn’t get a summer in NSW this year, the fact that we have bumped into autumn already came as a bit of a surprise to me.

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‘The Preserve’ April 2022 Available for Download

‘The Preserve’ is the newsletter of the Council of Motor Clubs. It’s made available to members of CMC-affiliated clubs, and that means you!

April’s edition of the newsletter recaps recent motoring news, provides an update on the Australian Motor Heritage Foundation, looks forward to National Motoring Heritage Day, Oasis events and the Hobby and Motor Show, and much more.

You can grab the April 2022 edition of ‘The Preserve’ from the following link, and we’ll archive it on the members page here.

The Preserve, April 2022 [PDF]

‘The Preserve’ is provided by the Council of Motor Clubs.

Lotus Photos: March 2022 LOST Fraternity Run to Awaba

March 2022 LOST Fraternity Run to Awaba

Images thanks to Jack McLaughlin

On Sunday the 13th of March, 2022, the LOST Fraternity crew took a run to Three Bears Cafe in the Lake Macquarie Art Gallery alongside Awaba House.

Meeting in Boolaroo, they took a short run to Awaba where they met other members in the car park by the lake. Scoring a prime location by the water, they enjoyed a quick catch-up in the sunshine before heading in for coffee and a bite to eat.

The LOST Fraternity are based north of Sydney and go for social runs once or twice a month. If you’d like to get involved, send Seth an email and he’ll put you in touch.

Images thanks to Jack McLaughlin

Lotus Photos: Carss Park Tyre Kick & Coffee, March 2022

March 2022 Tyre Kick & Coffee

Images thanks to Evan Jones

After being battered by torrential rain through most of the week, we finally saw a break in the weather for the weekend, with the sun coming out to shine upon the first of our monthly catch-ups. Evan Jones has kindly sent along a few photos of the gathering, which you can enjoy below.

Both Tyre Kicks have been enjoying consistently good roll-ups, with ten to fifteen cars arriving each month, and we greatly appreciate everyone’s support. This month’s Carss Park gathering was no different, and saw many regulars along with a few less frequently seen drivers join in.

Next week we’ll be back at Gough Whitlam Park in Earlwood, gathering from 9:30am. Why not calong, say ‘Hi!’, chat about cars for a while and enjoy a relaxed coffee before getting stuck in to your Sunday proper.