Hello! I’m checking in with some notes from the front by your foreign correspondent. Apologies in advance for any grammatical or spelling mistakes off the telex.
Lotus Photos: 2022 Jaguar Display Day & All British Day
Images thanks to Jack McLaughlin
On Saturday the 30th of July, 2022, The LOST Fraternity and friends took a run to the Jaguar Driver Club Hunter Region’s All British Day and Display Day. LOST Fraternity shepherd Jack McLaughlin kindly passed on a few photos, which you can enjoy below.
Lotus Photos: Sandy Bay Tasmania, July 2022
Images thanks to Robert Verhey
Our friends in Tasmania get together most months at Sandy Bay to kick tyres and chat about life, Lotus and everything. Robert Verhey made it to July 2022’s catch-up, held on Sunday the 3rd, and very kindly reached out with a few photos that you can enjoy below.
Wrapping Up CSCA 2022 Round Three: Pheasant Wood Circuit
Images thanks to Brett Stevens
Saturday the 25th of June saw the club off to Pheasant Wood Circuit in Marulan for round three of the 2022 CSCA supersprint series, kindly hosted by MG Car Club Newcastle.
Ashton’s President’s Prattle for July, 2022
Happy new (financial!) year everyone,
For those who couldn’t care less, good on you, but sadly my work life seems to resolve around a completely arbitrarily set calendar that finishes with a chaotic flurry of activity on June 30th.
But, to be perhaps too honest than I should be in public, I care less about that with each passing year. What does matter, is that the fun and games continues (as much as possible given this peculiar weather pattern we appear to remain trapped in) with all things Lotus and cars and friends.
Lotus Photos: LOST Fraternity at the MG Car Club Hunter Region’s British
Back in June, the LOST Fraternity are took a run to Nobbys Beach to be part of MG Hunter’s Euro day at Foreshore Park on Wharf Road in Newcastle East.
Catching Up with Western Australia in June, 2022
Thanks to Steve Grobler
We caught up with WA shepherd Steve Grobler recently, who shared a little of what our Western Australian members have been up to. Scroll on, and enjoy.
Ashton’s President’s Prattle for June, 2022
Welcome to winter everyone! Not that those of us in NSW would have known the difference from the misery of the last few months, but enough of that.
‘The Preserve’ June 2022 Available for Download
‘The Preserve’ is the newsletter of the Council of Motor Clubs. It’s made available to members of CMC-affiliated clubs, and that means you!
June’s edition of the newsletter recaps recent motoring news, looks forward to upcoming events, recaps National Motoring Heritage Day, seeks nominations for the Tony De Luca Volunteer of the Year award, and much more.
You can grab the June 2022 edition of ‘The Preserve’ from the following link, and we’ll archive it on the members page here.
The Preserve, June 2022 [PDF]
‘The Preserve’ is provided by the Council of Motor Clubs.