Lotus Photos: 2022 Jaguar Display Day & All British Day

2022 Jaguar Display Day & All British Day

Images thanks to Jack McLaughlin On Saturday the 30th of July, 2022, The LOST Fraternity and friends took a run to the Jaguar Driver Club Hunter Region’s All British Day and Display Day. LOST Fraternity shepherd Jack McLaughlin kindly passed on a few photos, which you can enjoy below.

Lotus Photos: Sandy Bay Tasmania, July 2022

Lotus at Sandy Bay, July 2022

Images thanks to Robert Verhey Our friends in Tasmania get together most months at Sandy Bay to kick tyres and chat about life, Lotus and everything. Robert Verhey made it to July 2022’s catch-up, held on Sunday the 3rd, and very kindly reached out with a few photos that you can enjoy below.