Lotus Photos: Bathurst 12-Hour

2015 Bathurst 12-Hour

Each year we get together and head out to the Bathurst 12-Hour for a brilliant high-octane weekend spent with good friends and surrounded by magic motoring machinery. This year our group was made up of some thirty Club Lotus Australia members, including our good friend Martin Duursma, who was armed with his camera and has kindly shared the results of his efforts here.

Lotus Photos: LOST Fraternity February Run

LOST Fraternity February Run

Kicking off a year of Lotus adventures in style, the Newcastle LOST fraternity held their first run of 2015 this past weekend in the form of a cruise to Awaba House Restaurant. Read on for the tale of the day, thanks to Ashton Roskill. We found them! The LOST fraternity that is… they live in and around Newcastle, and, contrary to … Read More

Lotus Photos: Simply Sports Cars & CLA Lotus Only Cafe

This past Sunday, the 21st of December, we got together with our friends at Simply Sports cars to express our appreciation of customers and club members, celebrate Christmas with friends, and enjoy some good coffee and tasty treats together.

Lotus Photos: 2014 Christmas Picnic and Concours d’Elegance

Lotus Club Christmas Picnic

Our coverage of the 2014 Club Lotus Australia Christmas Picnic and Concours d’Elegance continues with three fabulous sets of photos from James Chan, Simon Kalis and Jonathan Wong. A huge ‘THANK YOU!’ to the guys for sharing their brilliant shots!