Lotus Photos & Report: CSCA Round 7 at Sydney Motorsport Park’s Amaroo Circuit

CSCA 2015 Round 7 Lotus

On the 22nd of November, 2015, we took to Sydney Motorsport Park’s Amaroo circuit for the final round of the Combined Sports Car Association’s sprinting season. Our Club Lotus Australia motorsport crew finished the season in fine form with a great day’s sprinting and socialising, and you can catch up on the action thanks to these photos by Senna Alexander.

Celebrating the Life of Our Friend, Maurice Blackwood

Vale Maurice Blackwood

On Monday the 14th of December, 2015, the Lotus community gathered to celebrate the life of our friend, Maurice Blackwood, at Belgenny Farm in Camden. Ashton Roskill, who spoke beautifully on the day, would like to share a few words on the morning, illustrated by photos kindly shared by himself and Syd Reinhardt.

Lotus Photos: Club Lotus Australia 2015 Christmas Lunch

Club Lotus Australia 2015 Christmas Lunch

This past Sunday, the 6th of December, we got together with our friends to enjoy a wonderful summery drive to the Central Coast and celebrate the year at our annual Christmas lunch. Thanks go to Ashton for the tale of the day, illustrated by photos from Seth.

Enjoying a Lotus Christmas Lunch in South Australia

Club Lotus South Australia Christmas Lunch

Demonstrating impeccable timing, our friends in South Australia chose Sunday the 6th of December, 2015, to celebrate the impending holidays together. By all accounts it was a lovely day, and you can catch up on everything that went down thanks to this report by Andrew Stevens.

Lotus Video: Richard Parramint Talks Lotus, Colin Chapman & Life

Lotus Richard Parramint

Richard Parramint kindly joined us at our October 13, 2015, meeting to share a few pizzas, talk about cars, life and everything, and share his tales from his time at Lotus with Colin Chapman. He gave a wonderful talk, which you can enjoy right here thanks to the wonders of the internet!