Photos by Jack McLaughlin The LOST Fraternity’s most recent run took them to the Medowie Macadamia Farm Restaurant Medowie. Enjoy these great photos thanks to Jack McLaughlin. On Sunday the 14th the LOST team met at the McDonald’s in Mayfield and then convoyed up to the Medowie Macadamia Farm near Williamtown airport for a social Sunday breakfast. We’ve been enjoying absolutely magic weather … Read More
Lotus Photos: Jaguar Drivers Club Hunter Region All British Day
The Jaguar Drivers Club of the Hunter Region put on their All British Day this past Saturday, the 30th of July. Our Newcastle friends in the LOST Fraternity joined in, and have kindly shared some shots from the day.
Lotus Photos: July Classic Throttle Shop Social Evening
On Wednesday evening, the 20th of July, we enjoyed a lovely social catch-up very generously hosted by Classic Throttle Shop.
Lotus Photos & Report: Early Morning Run to the Western Australian Racing Museum
This report of the Western Australian crew’s early morning run to the Western Australian Racing Museum is thanks to Eddie Lankhorst, with photos thanks to Wayne Proud and John Edmondson.
Lotus Photos & Report: July All Fibreglass Car Run
This lovely report and photo gallery from the Western Australia run from Morley to the Perth Hills comes thanks to Steve Pretzel and John Edmondson.