Images: Jack McLaughlin The LOST Fraternity got together this Saturday, the 11th of March, for a run to Hawkes Nest and the Tea Gardens Motorfest. Starting at McDonald’s in Hexham they drove across the Hexham bridge, down the Pacific Highway via Raymand Terrace and Karuah before turning off to Myall Way and Motorfest. It looks like a magic day, and you … Read More
Lotus Photos & Report: Lions Club of Gerringong Motor Fest
Images thanks to Gino Valdes The Gerringong Lions Club’s Gerringong Motor Fest was held this past Saturday, the 18th of February and saw a stunning collection of Lotuses join in the show. The Club Lotus Australia display included seven cars – two Elise series 2s, a Series 1 elise, two Elans, an Elan +2 and an Evora. It was an … Read More
Eddie Lankhorst’s Quokka Talk for February 2017
Catch up on all the news in Western Australia thanks to this latest edition of Quokka Talk, by Eddie Lankhorst.
800 or So Specimens of British Ingenuity: Enjoying the 2017 All British Day in South Australia
Sunday the 12th of February saw British cars of every marque and model imaginable gather in the Echunga Recreation Ground for the 2017 All British Day. Andrew Stevens has kindly been in touch with the news and some photos from the day, which you can enjoy below!
Lotus Photos: LOST Run to the Motorists’ Appreciation Day Swansea
Our friends the LOST Fraternity took some time out of last weekend’s Bathurst 12-Hour to run up Pacific Highway to Swansea for the Motorists’ Appreciation Day – M.A.D. On Sunday the 5th of February they met in Belmont on the Pacific Highway before running up to Bargoed House on the old highway in Swansea. There they enjoyed a few hours … Read More