Images thanks to Eddie Lankhorst & By Marilyn Proctor Catch up on everything going on in Western Australia over the holiday period and early January, thanks to Eddie Lankhorst’s latest edition of Quokka Talk, including a Boab Tree Meet ‘n Eat recap by Marilyn Proctor.
Recapping the December 2017 Classic Cars & Coffee in Crawley
Images thanks to Les Proctor Head back to what has to be the last motoring event of 2017 to recap the December Classic Cars & Coffee thanks to this report by Les Proctor.
Lotus Photos: LOST Fraternity Breakfast Run to Tall Trees Restaurant
The LOST Fraternity got together this past Sunday, the 10th of December, for a breakfast run to Tall Trees Restaurant in Martinsville.
Talking Christmas in South Australia – SA Lotus Talk: December, 2017
While we were gallivanting around the south coast and surrounding countryside here in New South Wales, our South Australian friends were enjoying Christmas celebrations as well. Catch up on the South Australian Lotus Christmas party, with thanks to Andrew Stevens.
Western Australia’s Quokka Talk for December, 2017
Get caught up on all the Lotus news in Western Australia, with Eddie Lankhorst’s Quokka Talk for December, 2017.