2023 Club Lotus Australia Annual General Meeting and Christmas Party

Australian Motor Heritage Foundation

The 2023 Club Lotus Australia AGM will be held in combination with the Christmas party on Saturday the 2nd of December, with the formal business followed by a relaxed social lunch subsidised by the club where we will be joined by guest of honour, editor of the international Elite newsletter and World Registrar for Lotus Elites, Don Christopher. Register online … Read More

Round Wrap-Up: CSCA 2023 Round 6 at Sydney Motorsport Park

The sixth and final round of the 2023 CSCA supersprint series was held on Sunday the 22nd of October, kindly hosted by the Jaguar Drivers Club of Australia on Sydney Motorsport Park’s ‘North’ circuit. We enjoyed a wonderful day of spring super sprinting, and it’s time to catch up on everything that went down. We were pleased to see excellent … Read More

Ashton’s President’s Prattle for November, 2023

By the Bay Tyre Kick October 2023

Morning everyone! With November upon us already (and, it must be said, some lovely weather generally creating a better car-driving experience!) we have started to think about Christmas and then next year.

Entry Now Open for CSCA 2023 Round 5 at Pheasant Wood

Image thanks to Brett Stevens Entry is now open to the MG Car Club Sydney-hosted round of 2023’s CSCA super sprint series, to be held at Pheasant Wood on Saturday 30 September under AASA permit. Read on for the details thanks to MG Car Club Sydney.

Ashton’s President’s Prattle for September, 2023

Ashton & Giles, Grubby and Happy in the Peking to Paris

September, who’d have thought it. And I gather spring has arrived, in NSW at least, which is encouraging, after another rather dull winter. Good excuse to get the car out of hibernation (and yourself for that matter). Huge thanks are due to Craig and Cathy Shephard and all the motorsport committee for putting on round 4 of the CSCA sprints, … Read More

Lotus to Bring the Type 66 Can-Am Racer to Life

Lotus Type 66

Images thanks to Lotus Lotus has unveiled the Type 66 at The Quail in Monterey, which will be produced as a track special in a limited run of 10, referencing a proposed Can-Am race car for the 1970 series.

Ashton’s President’s Prattle for August, 2023

Hello! How did we get to the end of July quite so fast? I’ll be wishing you a Happy Christmas before I know it. As I might have mentioned, I am spending three months in the UK and Europe, primarily working from the UK (on Australian hours, about which more another time) for July and September, and spending most of … Read More