Lotus Stories: Daniel Bando

Daniel Bando Lotus Story

Club Lotus Australia is full of interesting people doing interesting things with interesting cars. We want to tell their stories, and through this develop and preserve a written history of the club, its members and their cars. So, when ever we have the opportunity, we enjoy a chat with one of our members to share their story with you right … Read More

Catching Up on the WA Lotus & State Sprint Championships

CLA WA March Motorsport

Catch up on all the motorsport action in Western Australia thanks to these reports by Eddie Lankhorst. Thanks to Eddie Lankhorst WA Lotus Championship – Round 1 On a pleasant Sunday 7th February we held our first round of the WA Lotus Championship at the RAC driver training centre. The results are: Driver Class Fastest Time Richard Cooper B 3:11:756 … Read More

Lotus Photos: March Boab Tree Meet ‘n Eat

On the second Monday of each month we meet up at the Boab Tree in Kings Park, Perth, to catch up and have a bite to eat. Our March meet-up was last week, on the 14th, and you can catch up on the evening’s events thanks to this report by John Edmondson. Thanks to John Edmondson It was a very warm 39 … Read More

Lotus Photos: A Few from the March Tyre Kick & Coffee

March Tyre Kick & Coffee

On the third Sunday of each month we get together to kick tyres, catch up and enjoy a coffee in Gough Whitlam Park in Tempe. Sunday the 20th of March was one such day, so that’s what we did! Read on for a few words and photos from Ashton. Considering the weather forecast (and subsequent arrival of said weather) we were … Read More

Lotus Photos: NSW March Meeting with John Bowers

Club Lotus Australia John Bowers Meeting

Wednesday March 16th brought us together for our second monthly meeting of 2016, in which John Bowers presented some wonderful history and stories about his ex-Jim Clark 1963 Lotus Type 25 R4. And now you can relive it all through the magic of photography!

Lotus Photos: Palm Beach Road Trippin’

Lotus Palm Beach Road Trip

Gordon Taylor has kindly sent us some shots from a recent Palm Beach road trip with Vaughan Stibbard in their Elans. Check ’em out, and get inspired for your next road trip!

Lotus Photos & Report: CSCA Round 7 at Sydney Motorsport Park’s Amaroo Circuit

CSCA 2015 Round 7 Lotus

On the 22nd of November, 2015, we took to Sydney Motorsport Park’s Amaroo circuit for the final round of the Combined Sports Car Association’s sprinting season. Our Club Lotus Australia motorsport crew finished the season in fine form with a great day’s sprinting and socialising, and you can catch up on the action thanks to these photos by Senna Alexander.

Celebrating the Life of Our Friend, Maurice Blackwood

Vale Maurice Blackwood

On Monday the 14th of December, 2015, the Lotus community gathered to celebrate the life of our friend, Maurice Blackwood, at Belgenny Farm in Camden. Ashton Roskill, who spoke beautifully on the day, would like to share a few words on the morning, illustrated by photos kindly shared by himself and Syd Reinhardt.

Lotus Photos: Club Lotus Australia 2015 Christmas Lunch

Club Lotus Australia 2015 Christmas Lunch

This past Sunday, the 6th of December, we got together with our friends to enjoy a wonderful summery drive to the Central Coast and celebrate the year at our annual Christmas lunch. Thanks go to Ashton for the tale of the day, illustrated by photos from Seth.