CLA Build Stories: Tuft’s Eleven July 2014

Picking up the Eleven

Club Lotus Australia is full of interesting people who are up to interesting things with interesting cars. We think that’s wonderful, so we’re going to share their stories with you here! If you’d like to share your story on the club website, just send Seth a quick email at In this post, we catch up with Ashton to find out … Read More

President’s Prattle: July

President's Prattle

Hello all, May/June has rather blurred together, largely as I spent two weeks of it in Spain and Portugal on the GOME Rally (more to come for those carrion eaters among you!) and then a week recovering from the by-now obligatory gastric flu you have to pick up when you visit Dubai Airport – fun it was not… But I … Read More

President’s Prattle: June

President's Prattle

Welcome to June – already! Well May has rushed past in a bit too much of a hurry, and I am writing this in Dubai Airport, en route to London, and thence by ferry to Santander for the start of the 2014 Guild of Motor Endurance Rally, which starts on Sunday (18th May). So please accept apologies for the brevity … Read More