November 2014 Edition of Lotus Notes Available for Download!

Lotus Notes November 2014

Our quality contributors from the combined Lotus Clubs of Australia have once again produced an excellent edition of Lotus Notes, and this is the place to download your digital edition! This month’s features include: South Australia Lotus Talk A Run to the Queensland Auto Museum in Hampton The McKellar Ridge Winery Trip Morgan Park Sprints Round 4 I Think I … Read More


President's Prattle

Goodness me, it seems only a moment since I was writing the last month’s missive – mind you, I have just spent a week over in Atlanta for work, so that has completely stuffed my sense of time! (Not to mention my back too!) By the time you read this we will, unbelievably, be into the last two months of the … Read More

Join us for the CLA Members’ Christmas Party and Concours d’Elegance

Lotus Christmas

Our annual Club Lotus Australia Christmas Party, now including the 2014 Concours d’Elegance, is set for this Sunday the 7th of December, and we have details for everyone! As mentioned, the event will be held from 10AM on Sunday the 7th of December. We’ll be enjoying a summertime picnic at Tunks Hill in the Lane Cove National Park and will … Read More

Cast your Votes on our 2015 Calendar [CONCLUDED]

UPDATE: We’ve now closed voting, and are hard at work putting the calendar together. Stay tuned! Your votes count! We’re putting together a calendar for 2015, and we need your help choosing the photos! Please comment on this post with the file numbers of your favourites from the photos of our cars taken by our members below and the most … Read More

October 2014 Edition of Lotus Notes Available for Download!

Our talented team from the combined Lotus Clubs of Australia have been hard at work on the latest Lotus Notes, and have a delightful edition ready for download! This month’s features include: The August Day Run to Springbrook LCV Club Night at the Elfin Heritage Centre LCV Club Early Morning Run from Coldstream to Tonimbuk via Noojee A Somewhat Forgotten … Read More


President's Prattle

Well hello everyone! Thank you to all of you who attended the AGM recently at Shannons and for your continued support for your Committee and Club – I am delighted that we have the go-ahead to continue much as we were before, with the notable exception that Alastair Brown has decided to stand down as CMC delegate, after many years … Read More


Club Lotus Australia is full of interesting people who are up to interesting things with interesting cars. We think that’s wonderful, so we’re going to share their stories with you here! If you’d like to share your story on the club website, just send Seth a quick email at In this post, we catch up with Ashton to find out … Read More

Lane Cove National Park Tunks Hill for Christmas Party & Concours

The Tunks Hill picnic grounds of Lane Cove National Park have been set as the location for our 2014 Christmas party picnic, featuring our annual Concours d’Elegance. Lane Cove National Park is located on Lady Game Drive in Chatswood West, NSW. Tunks Hill within the park is known as Area 22. The event will kick off at 10am and continue until everyone’s … Read More