Club Lotus New Zealand Edition 59 Available for Download

Club Lotus NZ Edition 59

Our friends from Club Lotus New Zealand have put out the latest release of their newsletter, Edition 59, and we’re pleased to share it with you here! This edition’s features include: Interview – Morrie Chandler on the FIA Lotus News – Chris Atkinson at Goodwood Brands Hatch 1979 My Car – Syd’s Porsche 944 And a whole lot more! Download your copy … Read More

Video: Farewell to Maurice Blackwood

Maurice Blackwood

Jennifer Hogan, Maurice Blackwood’s daughter, has kindly shared the family’s farewell video for Maurice with us and asked that we share it here for those who were unable to attend his memorial. Take a few minutes to reminisce and get to know Maurice a little better. Love and thanks to Jennifer and the Blackwood family.

UPDATE: Conditional Registration & Club Plates Scheme

Following the passing of Maurice Blackwood, Alan Pate and Keith Edwards have kindly offered to take on the role of Club Plates Officers. They’ve kindly put together an update on the Conditional Registration and Club Plates scheme, and you can read that below!

Club Lotus Australia Thrilled to Support the Work of the Country Fire Service Foundation

CFS Lotus2015 Presentation

Left to Right: Greg Nettleton (Chief Officer SA CFS), Rebecca Peters (Club Lotus), Lee Rolph (Club Lotus), Robert Styling AFSM OAM (CFS Foundation Board), Peter Venning (CFS Foundation):  Photo Courtesy of CFS Foundation. Following the success of Lotus 2015, and the generosity of the Charity Auction donors and participants, the CLA Lotus 2015 organising committee were pleased to be able … Read More

News: Classic Team Lotus Prepares to Expand

Classic Team Lotus

Classic Team Lotus seems set to expand according to this news from Friday, the 8th of January, and we’re pumped! It’s wonderful news for Lotus and for historic racing in general. For the full details hit this link and enjoy the video over at Mustard TV.

An Open Letter to Maurice Blackwood by Rob Bryden

Vale Maurice Blackwood

This moving open letter to Maurice Blackwood comes via Rob Bryden, who was sadly unable to attend Maurice’s service at the end of 2015. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and stories with us Rob.

Lotus Photos & Report: CSCA Round 7 at Sydney Motorsport Park’s Amaroo Circuit

CSCA 2015 Round 7 Lotus

On the 22nd of November, 2015, we took to Sydney Motorsport Park’s Amaroo circuit for the final round of the Combined Sports Car Association’s sprinting season. Our Club Lotus Australia motorsport crew finished the season in fine form with a great day’s sprinting and socialising, and you can catch up on the action thanks to these photos by Senna Alexander.


Club Lotus Australia is full of interesting people who are up to interesting things with interesting cars. We think that’s wonderful, so we’re going to share their stories with you here! If you’d like to share your story on the club website, just send Seth a quick email at In this post, we catch up with Ashton to find out … Read More

Take Note! The January 2016 Tyre Kick & Coffee Has Moved!

Simply Sports Cars

A very happy New Year to all! We’re kicking off 2016 with our monthly Tyre Kick & Coffee, which for January will be held from 9am on Saturday the 30th at Simply Sports Cars in Artarmon. We are delighted to announce that the previously-postponed Tyre Kick and Coffee at Simply Sports Cars has been rescheduled for Saturday 30th January. Please come … Read More