Looking for Information about a Lotus +2S 130/5

Lotus Elan +2S 130/5

One of our members is looking for information on his Western Australia-delivered Lotus Elan +2S 130/5. Since you are such a resourceful and well-learned bunch, we thought we’d reach out to you with the story to see if anyone has any information. Read on for what’s known about the car, thanks to Wayne Clark. If anyone has any knowledge about … Read More

President’s Prattle: November 2016

President's Prattle

Morning all, Apologies for the delay this month – entirely my fault as I was too busy having fun in the Eleven! So this is a short one, you’ll be pleased to find. It’s probably timely to remind ourselves how lucky we are to have such a committed, brilliantly organised and friendly Australian Lotus importer and dealership in Simply Sports … Read More

November 2016 Edition of Chunky’s Chatter Now Available to Download

Chunky's Chatter November 2016

Catch up on all the Club Lotus Australia news in the November 2016 edition of Chunky’s Chatter, which is now available to download from the members’ page. Features in this month’s mag include: Lots of news from Western Australia, South Australia and Tasmania Peter Eppel tours some of the great circuits of Europe Latest update on the Lotus Elite Diamond … Read More

November 2016 General Meeting at Simply Sports Cars

Join us on Wednesday the 16th of November for an evening catch-up hosted generously by our friends at Simply Sports Cars. Simply Sports Cars have kindly invited us back to their premises for the November General Meeting. The evening will kick off from 6:30PM at Simply Sports Cars, 17 Hotham Parade in Artarmon. The Simply Sports Cars team will be … Read More

Off for an Early Morning Run to Austinmer

Club Lotus Australia Austinmer Run

Ed Burton, sub, sub, sub organising committee of Club Lotus Australia and self-professed owner of the Club’s most understate Elise, has kindly organised a morning run to Austinmer and the Austi Beach Cafe for Sunday the 23rd of October. The plan is to meet at the Royal National Park alongside the playing fields at 8:00 AM to leave at 8:15. … Read More

Chunky’s Chatter October 2016 Now Available for Download

Chunky's Chatter October

Catch up on all the Club Lotus Australia news in the October 2016 edition of Chunky’s Chatter, which is now available to download from the members’ page. Features in this month’s mag include: News from Western Australia A Welcome Return to Alastair Browne 2016 Beyond Blue Eggs Benedict Photos and Results Part 1 of the Brian Caldersmith story Great Shots … Read More