Lotus Photos: 2017 CSCA Round 1 at Wakefield Park

2017 CSCA Round 1 by Gino Valdes

Club Lotus Australia hosted the first round of the 2017 CSCA series this weekend, Saturday March 11th, at Wakefield Park. It was a beautiful Autumn day, and the motorsport was as fine as the weather. Enjoy the photos below, thanks to Jennifer Hogan, Craig Sheppard and Gino Valdes. Thanks to Jennifer Hogan Craig Sheppard’s son Liam – a CLA member … Read More

Lotus Photos: LOST Fraternity Run to Hawkes Nest and the Tea Gardens Motorfest

Tea Gardens Motorfest

Images: Jack McLaughlin The LOST Fraternity got together this Saturday, the 11th of March, for a run to Hawkes Nest and the Tea Gardens Motorfest. Starting at McDonald’s in Hexham they drove across the Hexham bridge, down the Pacific Highway via Raymand Terrace and Karuah before turning off to Myall Way and Motorfest. It looks like a magic day, and you … Read More

Ashton’s President’s Prattle: March 2017

President's Prattle

Don’t know about you, but already I am starting to think this that year might be vanishing before my eyes. Big thanks to the seven stalwarts who braved rather less than perfect weather for the Gerringong Lions Car Show – we scooped two trophies (Ken Miller and Richard Carter – well done gents!) and the photos are on the website. … Read More

March 2017 Edition of Chunky’s Chatter Now Available for Download

March 2017 Chunky's Chatter

The March edition of Chunky’s Chatter is on its way to members, and is now available for download from the members’ page. Grab a copy, and enjoy! Features in this month’s mag include: Bernie Bows Out Great Roll-Up in Gerringong All British Day in Adelaide The Race Version of the Exige Sport 380 And much more! Enjoy Chunky’s lighthearted and sometimes irreverent … Read More

Lotus Photos & Report: Lions Club of Gerringong Motor Fest

Gerringong Motor Fest 2017

Images thanks to Gino Valdes The Gerringong Lions Club’s Gerringong Motor Fest was held this past Saturday, the 18th of February and saw a stunning collection of Lotuses join in the show. The Club Lotus Australia display included seven cars – two Elise series 2s, a Series 1 elise, two Elans, an Elan +2 and an Evora. It was an … Read More

A Thorough Look at the Correct Fitment of a Race Harness and HANS Device

Jen Hogan has done some great research into the correct fitment of a race harness and HANS device and has some very interesting, and extremely useful findings to share with us here. If you are interested in competing in a sporting event in your Lotus, or are just interested in good set up and safety, take a few minutes to read through … Read More

Friday Feature: Brian Caldersmith Tackles Mount Panorama in an Elite

Mount Panorama in a Lotus Elite

Brian Caldersmith pushes his little Lotus Elite around Mount Panorama during the Bathurst Motor Festival held over the Easter long weekend back in 2008. This is one of five races held that weekend for historic sports cars, and Brian’s surrounded by beautiful sports cars in a packed field. He handles the Elite, and the traffic, magnificently as he navigates Mount Panorama’s many … Read More

Registrations Open for April 2017 Lotus Only Track Day at Winton

Lotus Only Track Day

Simply Sports Cars have opened registration for their first Lotus Only Track Day of 2017. The event will be held at Winton Raceway in Victoria on Monday the 24th of April, coinciding with the last day of LOTUS 2017. Registrations are available on the Simply Sports Cars website, and you can get there by clicking this link! The goal is to fill … Read More