Lotus Photos: The May Run to Gosford Classic Car Museum

CLA Run to the Gosford Classic Car Museum by Ashton Roskill

Sunday the 20th of May saw us wake to an absolutely spectacular autumn day and head off on a run to the Gosford Classic Car Museum. Scroll on, and enjoy a few photos thanks to Terry Li, Syd Reinhardt and Ashton Roskill.

May 2018 Edition of Chunky’s Chatter Available for Download

Chunky's Chatter May 2018

Image: The Lotus FT S430 launch in Melbourne last month, thanks to Bill Hucker All too fresh from a date with the polar vortex, we have the latest edition of Chunky’s Chatter available to download from the members’ page of the website. Grab a copy, and enjoy! The May edition of Chunky’s Chatter includes: Jim Clark weekends both here and in Scotland … Read More

Tag Along the Targa Great Barrier Reef Tour with the Official Lotus Tour 2018

Targa Great Barrier Reef - The Official Lotus Tour

Image thanks to Lotus Cars Australia Targa Great Barrier Reef will run from the 31st of August to the 2nd of September, 2018, with the Targa Tour kicking off two days earlier and following the same course as the competition vehicles – closed roads and everything. The official Lotus Tour 2018 is your chance to take part, fully supported by … Read More

Wrapping Up Targa Tasmania 2018 with Lotus On the Podium

Images thanks to Lotus Cars Australia A belated ‘Welcome home!’ to the lucky group of Lotus travellers who took part in the 2018 Targa Tasmania, and a huge congratulations to everyone involved in the competition as well as Lotus Cars Australia and Simply Sports Cars for another unforgettable event. Targa Tasmania 2018 was a big one for Lotus, with 12 … Read More

May 2018 Edition of Lotus Notes Available to Download

Lotus Notes May 2018

The Lotus & Clubman Notes team have put together a magic edition of the magazine for May, 2018, and it’s now available to download from the website. Lotus & Clubman Notes is the official magazine of Lotus Club Victoria and Lotus Club Queensland, and includes contributions from the other branches of Club Lotus Australia as well. This month’s magazine features: … Read More

Catch Up with Club Lotus New Zealand with ‘Edition’

Club Lotus NZ Edition 63

‘Edition’ is the quarterly magazine of Club Lotus New Zealand. They recently passed on their first magazine for 2018, which means it’s time to cross the Tasman and catch up on everything going on with Lotus in the Land of the Long White Cloud. ‘Edition’ no. 63 features: Lotus news and events United States Formula Junior adventure Rotorua/Taupo track weekend … Read More