A Relaxed Morning Run with the WA Aston Martin Owners Club to Wine Tree Cafe

Images and story thanks to John Edmondson

On Sunday the 16th of March, 2025, our Western Australian contingent met up with friends in the Aston Martin Owners Club for a run from Baldivis through Jarradale and North Dandalup to Dwellingup and Wine Tree Cafe. Our thanks to John Edmondson for helping to gather the Lotus crew, and for sharing some photos and a story of the day.

With thanks to John Edmondson

Heading out in my S2 Exige in convoy with Robyn in the ruby S1 Elise, we arrived early at the south bound BP garage in Baldavis for an invitation drive through the hills with the Aston Martin Owners Club. We were happy to see Olivia with her blue 410 Exige, Chris and his wife (first time on a run) with their new dark green Emira, Eugine with his yellow 410 Exige and Jeff (just came for the meet up to say hi) with his blue 410 Exige.

A short while later, the Aston Martins began to arrive, with three turning up for the drive. Rick Hilleard from the Aston club had kindly organised the run, but unfortunately had a flat tyre on his car, so he came along in his Range Rover and led the run for us.

After a good chat and a few lies were told we headed off south on the freeway and took the Karnet exit heading east to the south west highway. Turning left we followed the highway up to the Jarradale turnoff, from where we could enjoy nice winding roads and lots of trees.

We took the Serpintine Dam road and followed it over the dam and back to the south west highway. Turning left onto the highway, we headed down to North Dandalup then left onto Del Park Road which is a great up hill drive for 30 minutes to get to the town of Dwellingup. There, we stopped for lunch at the Wine Tree Cafe which is a lovely spot that I had not been to before. I will be making it a destination on a future run for the Lotus Club.

We all enjoyed the drive and it was nice to meet the Aston Martin crew and hear their stories. Thanks to Rick for organising the run, and leading it in the Range Rover, and to all our WA Lotus friends for coming along for a fun social morning.

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