Ashton’s President’s Prattle for August, 2024


So sorry everyone, we’re running a little late this month! As some of you will know, I have been up against time to get Gidget prepared for the Great Cape Rally, which starts on Wednesday, August 21st.

Unfortunately, I am back in Sydney after a false start, where I got as far as Moree on Friday last week, only to suffer head gasket failure. So we are working round the clock to get the car back up and running, and Nick and I will then have to make a mad dash for the north to catch up with the rally.

So this is necessarily rather a short and very late note for August and into September, when we’ll hopefully get back on track, particularly as there’s a bit going on in the last quarter of the year, including:

  • The Club Lotus Australia round of the CSCA sprints, fantastically organised by your amazing motorsport committee and taking place this coming Saturday (24th) – thank you in advance to all those willing to marshall and support this great day at the track, I’m sorry to miss it
  • The Shannons Sydney Classic will take over the circuit the following day (Sunday 25th)
  • We have the All British Day on September 15th at the Hawkesbury Showground. Tickets are available from Evan at – let us know your address so that we can send them to you, and what car you’d like to bring
  • The next iteration of the Lotus Week, a series of fun events on closed public roads and tracks in and around Victoria – contact Simply Sports Cars at if you want to join in the fun
  • Planning is well advanced and continuing for the next biennials, taking place in the border country between NSW and Victoria in Wodonga over 7 – 10 March 2025. Details as they emerge, and early bookings are here:

On top of all that, we have our usual Tyre Kicks happening on the second and third Sundays of the month, and once I am back from the rally, we’ll start canvassing ideas for the Christmas party this year, so if you have any great ideas, please let us know!

And finally, I’d be very remiss not to mention some interesting classifieds on our website currently. If you are in the market for either a project Seven, or a beautiful runner, both are for sale currently, as are some unusual and rare parts for various Lotus cars (including a VHPD engine for an S1 Elise/Exige)

And on that note, I will leave you to your week, and hope that I get back into the rhythm a bit more comfortably next month!

Take care, have fun, and keep it upright and mostly on the black stuff.

Pip pip,

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