Ashton’s President’s Prattle for July 2024

Well, there’s no doubting it is certainly winter! And that’s from someone freshly back from the Old Dart, so it really can’t be good.

However, it gives plenty of time to spend in the garage, or reading this new edition of Chunky’s, courtesy of a combined effort by Seth and Tom – thank you both!

The last month was one of two uneven halves – three weeks were spent in the UK (and you’ll see my reflections on the Classic Team Lotus Garden Party elsewhere), and the last week spent back here, re-acclimatising to the Sydney winter, and getting myself (and more importantly, Gidget) sorted out for the next adventure – the Great Cape Rally in August and September.

On the subject of Gidget, I spent a happy hour or so recollecting the adventures we shared with a bunch of the Club Lotus Avon crew just before I headed back here from the UK. The power of the internet is astonishing – most of them had heard of Gidget, slightly unbelievably! And there were a lot of questions, so many in fact that we didn’t finish talking to the pictures. But a fun night!

Which prompted me to think there may be value in resurrecting our monthly (or periodic) club meetings to invite interesting people to come and talk to us, or to visit interesting suppliers premises. Or some other approach perhaps? Thoughts? Anyone interested to organise something?

Speaking of organising, the organisation for the next Biennials continues apace, and if you missed it last month, make sure to put a placeholder in your diaries for the 7 – 10 March 2025, when we will be gathering around Albury for the first get-together in a while!

Slightly closer to hand we have our Tyre Kicks in July (and subsequently of course!), the upcoming Shannons Classic and the CLA CSCA sprint in August, and the All British Day in September. I’m really hoping this persistent rain abates before then!!

So that, as they say, is a wrap for this edition of the new, shiny quarterly Chunky’s Chatter – please do let us know what you like, what you think we can improve, what you want to see in there etc.

And meanwhile, stay safe, upright and mainly on the blackstuff.

Pip pip,

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