Hello everyone!
After many months of slowdown, July started to feel more normal, and even more so as we got back on the track AND got back into the social scene.
First up was the first Lotus Australia Lotus On Track day of the year on Saturday the 18th, which was preceded by an open track day on the Friday. I took the Elite down for a shakedown on the Friday, and to call the cars at the open track day eclectic would be understating it. I did have fun following a Holden Colorado as he bounced off the curbs, and to be fair to him he peddled hard. Then there was the Lambo that teetered around the corners and booted it on the straight – and often went straight on!
The LOTD the following day was an absolute blast – both for the fun on the track and the fact that we were allowed out for the first time in months, albeit with social distancing. And none of our Victorian friends, including Mark who organised the whole thing, were there. But there were some very fast times posted, and the Elite was a blast and even showed a clean pair of heels to a few much younger cars. And pilots.
On the Sunday we had the first gathering of the Tyre Kick for several months, which was well attended, albeit with the by now normal physical distancing in place.
So, let’s keep fingers crossed and sensible precautions in place so we can continue the fun. Looking ahead for August, we should have a fun weekend of historic racing at Wakefield Park for the HSRCA Spring Festival over the weekend of 29-30 August. In less good news the All British Day has been cancelled for 2020.
And continuing the theme, your organising committee for Lotus 2021 has made the difficult decision, given the escalation of events in Victoria, to postpone Lotus 2021 for 12 months to February 2022. Our current plan is to run some sort of country NSW tour in April/May for a long weekend instead. We’ll let you know as the thinking evolves.
Finally, we need to organise the AGM. The plan currently is to conduct it by Zoom on the evening of Tuesday the 15th of September at 6.30pm. We are currently getting the Zoom account organised and will publish full details shortly.
That’s about it for another month. Please stay safe in the current slightly odd circumstances, and particular our thoughts are with our Victorian members.
Pip Pip,