Ashton’s President’s Prattle for August, 2020

Elite with an Elise

Hello everyone!

After many months of slowdown, July started to feel more normal, and even more so as we got back on the track AND got back into the social scene.

Had fun with a Holden Colorado

First up was the first Lotus Australia Lotus On Track day of the year on Saturday the 18th, which was preceded by an open track day on the Friday. I took the Elite down for a shakedown on the Friday, and to call the cars at the open track day eclectic would be understating it. I did have fun following a Holden Colorado as he bounced off the curbs, and to be fair to him he peddled hard. Then there was the Lambo that teetered around the corners and booted it on the straight – and often went straight on!

The LOTD the following day was an absolute blast – both for the fun on the track and the fact that we were allowed out for the first time in months, albeit with social distancing. And none of our Victorian friends, including Mark who organised the whole thing, were there. But there were some very fast times posted, and the Elite was a blast and even showed a clean pair of heels to a few much younger cars. And pilots.

On the Sunday we had the first gathering of the Tyre Kick for several months, which was well attended, albeit with the by now normal physical distancing in place.

So, let’s keep fingers crossed and sensible precautions in place so we can continue the fun. Looking ahead for August, we should have a fun weekend of historic racing at Wakefield Park for the HSRCA Spring Festival over the weekend of 29-30 August. In less good news the All British Day has been cancelled for 2020.

And continuing the theme, your organising committee for Lotus 2021 has made the difficult decision, given the escalation of events in Victoria, to postpone Lotus 2021 for 12 months to February 2022. Our current plan is to run some sort of country NSW tour in April/May for a long weekend instead. We’ll let you know as the thinking evolves.

Finally, we need to organise the AGM. The plan currently is to conduct it by Zoom on the evening of Tuesday the 15th of September at 6.30pm. We are currently getting the Zoom account organised and will publish full details shortly.

That’s about it for another month. Please stay safe in the current slightly odd circumstances, and particular our thoughts are with our Victorian members.

Pip Pip,

Lotus Photos: July 2020 Lotus Cars Australia Lotus on Track Day

Lotus On Track July 2020

Photos thanks to Brett Stevens & Seth Reinhardt

After several months of downtime following the cancellation of CSCA 2020 round two, we were all of a sudden on full song on Saturday the 18th of July, with a Lotus On Track Day hosted by Lotus Cars Australia at Wakefield Park and CSCA 2020 round three at Pheasant Wood Circuit offering a motor sport fix.

A large contingent of the club chose the more open layout of Wakefield Park to blow the cobwebs out, so let’s catch up on the action with this report thanks to Ashton Roskill and photos by Brett Stevens and Seth Reinhardt.

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Round Wrap-Up: CSCA 2020 Round 3 at Pheasant Wood Circuit

Club Lotus at CSCA 2020 Round 3, Pheasant Wood Circuit

After Round 2 of the CSCA sprints was cancelled due to COVID-19 logistics, Round 3 was well supported by 61 competitors who were eager to get back on track. The MG Car Club of Newcastle did a fantastic job of understanding the Motorsport Australia and Government COVID guidelines to host a very successful and safe event at Pheasant Wood Circuit in Marulan on 18th July.

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Lotus Photos: July 2020 Tyre Kick at Kokoda Cafe

Club Lotus Australia Tyre Kick & Coffee July 2020

On Sunday, the 19th of July 2020, after a busy weekend of motorsport and a much less busy break from the outside world, a small group of Club Lotus Australia members got together at Kokoda Cafe for the return of our Tyre Kick & Coffee.

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Ashton’s President’s Prattle for July, 2020

President's Prattle

Hey there!

We appear to be gradually regaining some sense of normality as the country (except Victoria) starts to get used to the new normal post-COVID. Social distancing is likely to be with us for a while yet (likely until either COVID is eradicated and/or a vaccine is available.

The good news is that we are now allowed to drive our cars (including the historic registered ones) again for pleasure. With some clear guidelines in place, events are starting to appear on the calendar:

  • On Saturday the 18th of July we have the first LOTD of the year at Wakefield Park. Sadly the Victorians will be unable to attend, but we are hoping for a fun-filled day with friends nonetheless
  • Also on Saturday, the 18th of July – the CSCA series get back underway at Marulan
  • On Sunday the 19th of July we are planning to reconvene the Tyre Kick and Coffee at the Kokoda Cafe, with appropriate social distancing being observed please
  • August 28-30 will see the HSRCA run their Spring Festival at Wakefield Park with a strong turnout expected

Aside from the rather dull issue of COVID and lockdown, we continue to hold our breath regarding the likelihood of Lotus 2021 going ahead in February next year. We still hope to be in Tasmania then, but will make the decision in September.

Hoping you have all completed your projects, sorted out the garden, tidied the garage and generally caught up on all those tasks on your to do list. I haven’t!

Take care of yourselves and your loved ones, have fun, and keep it upright and on the black stuff. I look forward to catching up with lots of you over the next few weeks of events

Pip pip,

Entries Are Open for CSCA 2020 Round 3 at Pheasant Wood Circuit

CSCA 2019 Round 1 Wakefield Park Club Lotus Australia

The 2020 super sprint season is firing back up, with round three to be hosted by the Newcastle MG Car Club at Pheasant Wood Circuit on Saturday the 18th of July. Not only is this our first sprint since we went underground back in March, but it’s the first CSCA super sprint to be held at Pheasant Wood in four years.

Entry is open now via the Motorsport Australia Members’ Portal, available on their homepage:

The official invitation follows, with thanks to the Newcastle MG Car Club. The full details including supplementary regulations, invitation and self-scrutiny checklist are available on their website.

We hope you’ll join us and support the event at this significant and unusual time in our motorsport history.

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Your June 2020 Edition of Chunky’s Chatter is Available for Download

Rax Hodder 2019 CSCA Drivers Champion

Chunky’s Chatter steps out of the vault this week as our tireless editor Tom Devitt continues to entertain us with tales and news from the Lotus community during these unusual times. Download the June edition from the members’ page.

The June 2020 edition of Chunky’s Chatter features:

  • Sir Stirling Moss’ visits to Australia remembered
  • Lotus F1 anniversaries for Clark and Rindt
  • Seth talks to Rex Hodder, 2019 CSCA Champion
  • Geoff Winder takes on his lockdown work on his Esprit VQ

Enjoy Chunky’s lighthearted and sometimes irreverent monthly look at the world of Lotus.

If you’re not a member already, have a browse around the site and hit up our membership page here to find out why you should become one!

Ashton’s President’s Prattle for June, 2020

President's Prattle

Apologies for the late arrival of CC this month – entirely my fault, and due to an abnormally high workload in my ‘real’ job causing me to fail to realise it is nearly mid June.

As we start to see the relaxation of restrictions around movement and congregation, it is encouraging to see that car clubs generally are starting to get events back into the calendar both here and overseas.

Likewise, your committees have been beavering away to work out what and when we can expect to be able to undertake activities; so the following is a status update more than an announcement.

First up, the planning for Lotus 2021 continues to be held in limbo while we await further lifting of restrictions for interstate travel. However, we have set ourselves a date of the start of September to make a call one way or another, and based on current restrictions being lifted, and with fingers crossed there is no ‘second wave’, we expect to commence asking for deposits and making bookings then. It is worth noting that we will have to make some quick decisions, so would be immensely grateful for your decision as to whether you wish to attend or not once we ask.

Next up is the CSCA championships, which evolved into an eRacing series during lockdown, and is gradually coming out of hibernation we hope.

In the meantime, the team at Lotus Cars Australia and Simply Sports Cars has organised one of their excellent Lotus On Track Days for Saturday 18th July. The booking form is at this link.

The HSRCA, with whom we have a very close relationship, has announced that the Spring Festival will be going ahead at Wakefield Park over the weekend of August 28-30. This includes sprints for more recent (up to and including 1990s) cars, so up to and including Elise S1s. These weekends are always a lovely mix of interesting cars, interesting people and close racing, so if petrol flows through your veins, come along and find out how much fun it is. I am planning to run the Elite now that it’s undergone a bit of work following the cloud of smoke at the Summer Festival in December.

And socially, I’d appreciate your thoughts on whether a General Meeting might be popular as a venue to re-gather, reacquaint, and catch up? Drop me a line if so, and we’ll get something happening.

I was amused to see on the front cover of the HLR’s 100th magazine, a photo of the original gathering of HLR at Bill Friend’s farm, including a car (might be a Type 23 – anyone got better eyesight than me?) turning up on a trailer towed by a Land Rover. The precedent was set then (I believe it was quite commonplace), so now I need to sort out that leaking welch plug in my otherwise rebuilt Series 2.

On a personal level, a quick update on the fleet. The Elite engine rebuild is almost completed, the Eleven continues to progress at the expert hands of Adam Doyle Smith – last update showed the front clip almost completed – and I momentarily thought of selling Gidget, but no sooner had I posted adverts in a few places than I decided that was premature, and anyway, I have been accepted into the re-run of the Perth-Sydney Marathon in late October 2021, so I need to get her sorted for that. The organisers have managed to get six of the original cars that took part in the London-Sydney Marathon in 1968 (of which the Perth-Sydney leg was the last stretch) to participate, so it should be a fun occasion. We’ll be taking 10 days, where the original race took three – to cover 5500km of largely dirt!

Right, before my laptop crashes again, I’ll fire this off to Tom.

Take care, stay safe, and I look forward to seeing you out and about soon.

In the meantime, keep it upright and on the black stuff,

Pip pip,